cameroon gce O level June 2024 geography 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 geography 1

cameroon gce O level June 2024 geography 1

Temperatures are high (28°C),rainfall is high
(2500mm),a long rainy season and a low
temperature range are :
A Tropical monsoon climate •
B Mediterranean climate
C Equatorial climate
D Tropical continental climate
Winds that blow from sub-tropical high
pressure belts to the temperate low pressure
belts are called:
A Monsoon winds
B Westerly winds
C South east trade winds
D Polar winds
When air is sinking and pilling, what happens
to the pressure of that area?
A The pressure is low.
B The pressure is high.
C The pressure is imbalanced.
D The pressure is stabilized.
14. Which evidence serves as proof to the
theory that, present day continents broke up
and moved horizontally?
A Fitting shapes of continents.
B Similar zones of subduction.
C Similar heights of mountains.
D Similar rainfall amounts.
Which of the following pairs are all examples
of physical weathering processes?
A Pressure release and temperature changes
B Freeze-thaw action, and hydrolysis
C Oxidation and hydration
D Carbonation and frost action
The following are characteristics of a biome:
trees have large trunks,broad leaves,buttress
roots, little undergrowth. Identify the biome.
A Tropical rainforest biome.
B Tropical grassland biome.
C Tropical monsoon forest biome.
D Temperate deciduous biome.
The lifting and blowing of sand dust and
gravel by wind is called?
A Abrasion
B Attrition
C Deflation
D Plucking
Which of the following is a solution to the
problem of global warming?
A Increased consumption of fossil fuels
B Afforestation and Reforestation
C Waste disposal by industries
D Rapid industrialisation
The soil type associated with the biome in 24.
question 16 is:
A Ferruginous
B Lateritic
C Ferralitic
D Alluvial
25. ‘There is water everywhere but none to drink’.
Water scarcity here is best explained as:
A Water available is contaminated
B Water available is for industrial use
C Water available is good for dipping
D Water available is not pipe borne
It includes all the living things in a given area,
interacting with each other, and also with their
non-living environments. This is referring to:
A Biomass
B Food web
C Ecosystem
D Energy How
26. Landslide commonly occurs in areas with:
A Highlands
B Plateaux
C Steep slopes
D Ridges
19. A continental crust that contains minerals such
as silica and alumina is called?
B Mesosphere
C Mohoravicic discontinuity

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