cameroon gce ordinary level June 2021 literature in English 2
cameroon gce ordinary level June 2021 literature in English 2
Outline and explain five character traits of Godfrey Cass and state any two major worries he suffers from in the
text Silas Marner.
(Character trait: 3/3/3/3/3 = 15 marks)
(Major worries: 5/5 = 10 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Give an account of what happens from when Dunstan Cass sets out to sell Wildfire to when he falls into the
Stone–pits and show how he deserves the misfortune that happens to him.
(Account: 6/6/6 = 18 marks)
(Element of misfortune: 3.5/3.5=7 marks)
(Total = 25 marks )
November 11, 2021
Past GCE ordinary level literature in English questions and solutions from 2018
Daphinel nayah
March 13, 2022
Easy to understand