cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 commerce 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 commerce 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 commerce 2

(n)Name and explain any FOUR differences between a private enterprise and a public enterprise. (8 marks)
(b) Ivxplain any THRICE internal sources of finance to a publie company. (6 marks)
(c) Outline any SIX reasons for the continual existence of small businesses in Cameroon. (6 marks)
(a) Define the following terms;
(b) Explain any THREE criteria of classifying enterprises in Cameroon,
(e) Name and explain any FOUR types of warehouses.

(6 marks)
(8 marks)
3. (a) Explain the following business documents;
Advice note,
Statement of account.
(b) Briefly explain any FOUR services of the wholesaler to the manufacturer.
(e) Outline any THREE reasons for direct dealing in the chain of distribution of goods.

4. (a) The table below shows extracts from the accounting records of NDOLO Enterprise at the end of a
trading period

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