cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 computer science 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 computer science 2

cameroon gce ordinary level June 2022 computer science 2

An inter-urban transport company carries out the following activities amongst others:
• cash office collects transport fares from clients;
• clients pay fare online using electronic money transfer;
• clients make travel reservations;
• workers are paid every two weeks;
• correspondences arc sent to partners of the transport company;
• buses and their respective drivers arc scheduled on weekly basis.
Slate four (4) transactions of the company.
Stale the type of application software that can be used to computerize each transaction.
Give an example of an application software that can be used for each transaction.
Ilow can graphics software be used to improve upon the business?
Explain two ways that the company can use the Internet to improve upon the business.
Briefly describe one method each that this company could apply to combat:
unauthorised access to the computer systems,
unauthorised use of files.

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