cameroon syllabus history forms 1 and 2

cameroon syllabus history forms 1 and 2

cameroon syllabus history forms 1 and 2

The syllabuses that were drawn up by the Inspectorate General of Education in the Ministry of Secondary Education since 2012 are
in accordance with the major guidelines for education in general and secondary education in particular as they are enshrined
both in the 1998 law to lay down guidelines for education in Cameroon and in the 2009 Growth and Employment Strategy
Paper(DSCE) .
These orientations could be summarised, amongst others, to train within the framework of an emerging Cameroon in the year 2035,
citizens that will have a good mastery of the two official languages (English and French), deeply rooted in their cultures but open to a
world in search for sustainable development and dominated by Information and Communication Technologies.
Conceived in the various Inspectorates of Pedagogy, and later introduced for trialling in secondary and high schools during the
2012/2013 school year, these syllabuses were developed with the contributions of classroom teachers and teacher trade unionists.
The new syllabuses had to undergo many changes:
– a shift from a skill based approach to a competence based approach through real life situations;
– a shift from a school cut off from society to one that prepares citizens for a smooth insertion into socio-cultural and
economic activities ;
– a shift from an evaluation of knowledge to that of competences necessary to sustainable development.
When these new changes and orientations were taken into account, they naturally led to a shift of paradigm within the curriculum
reform process. The option we have adopted is the competence based approach through real life situations.
The syllabuses of the first cycle of Secondary General Education are broken down

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