Hello dear Gce A level And O level students today we will be talking about how to succeed in your Cameroon gce exams for both A level and O level students , I have been asked this question several times over social media and also I think it will be good if I did an article on this since it will give students a better way to prepare for their gce exams. Is important to Note that these are not absolute or win win methods or tips they are just tips and advice that will help you get your gce exam , I believe that everyone has his or her method of studying so feel free of using your method but I will suggest at least to get through this article to see what may be lacking in your method . Before we start for does who don’t know the Cameroon gce exam is an official exam written in form 5 and Upper sixth in Cameroon .
That said we can now jump in
1)Read your notes (read, read and read)
Yes as you can see one of the easy ways you can prepare for your gce or any exams and brining yourself towards success is by reading your notes , however reading your notes id find but I believe it has a period , I can remember back in form 5 I had a friend that not get A’s because even till the gce eve he was still and always reading his notes . Wait a min I know what you’re saying that am contradicting myself right? but wait let me explain , reading your notes is find but there is a period for that , and after that reading your notes will more of slow you down than help you ! . to make it clear here is my suggestion in reading your notes be it in gce A level or O level
1st term read your Notes 80% of your reading time
2nd term read your notes 40% of your reading time
Finally 3rd and last term read your Notes 10% of your reading time to say the truth I could have said 1% cause during the third term you just open your Notes to cross check of definitions etc.
2) Gradual increase in your reading time
The title is self-explanatory but I will still explain for does who don’t understand what am trying to say . okay what am trying to say here is this , the more you get close to your exams you should also increase they time you spend studying a simple example will be this let’s say you read for 4 hours that is in the first term then during the second term you should got to 8 hours or 9 hours per day etc. but depending on how long you can endure but I really suggest you should increase it of at least 2 hours as you get close to the gce exam . I always advice my students to be working with watches cause it will help them verify they are reaching their goal in their study hours .
3) Pamphlets and study Guides
Pamphlets Pamphlets Pamphlets !! , really I believe that a student that wants to get A grades in his gce MUST use pamphlets and revision guide , personally I believe that one of the reasons I got an “A “in economics was because I had pamphlet’s , yes pamphlet’s with “s” . Also I will not really encourage pamphlets because they cause students to be lazy cause they give quick answers and students instead turn to be doing cram work instead of understanding which cause them to fail by the end . I always suggest pamphlets to be used after students have fully read their notes then they can use their pamphlets and revision guide
4) Study with Friends
I believe this one is really important!! , just look carefully around in your class and you will remark that does that do well most of the time are does that always study alone (in most cases). This is because when you study alone you have not one to correct you or even improve the answer you did give , and since no one told your answer is wrong you talk it in the exam hall knowing is correct . back in upper sixth I always work with the first of the class and he used to show me some ticks to solve math’s faster and thing is like that this I believe helped me a lot . so to cut it short study alone is very very bad always study with SERIOUS friends it will help you a lot
5) Solve past questions
“Questions can never be created nor destroy but can be changed from one form to another”
Yes even Questions follow the same law as energy , what am trying to say that if you solve some 1000 questions ( yes 1000 ) before you write your gce an sure of the correction or that the your understood the correction in each of them then there is no reason you won’t have less than an A , Back in upper sixth I solved about that amount In math before writing the gce , But still just jumping in questions will produce no effects is just is always good to accompany questions with reading that is I always suggest questions should be at the end cause it will help you check if your reading was effective or not , for past questions in gce or any mocks you can find them in my website here
In Conclusions
I will just add research and prayers skills to these tips and am sure at 100 % that everyone who applies these formula in his studies is pretty sure to get A’s at his GCE A or O level , that said wish you the best thanks.
Jopmo nono chris berthol
March 17, 2019
How will it be possible for a lowersixth student soon going to uppersixth to prepare for the advanced level without paniking