gce 2022 intermediate level electrical technology and diagram 2
gce 2022 intermediate level electrical technology and diagram 2
Give the symbols of the following switch gears
(i) One way switch
(ii) Two way switch
(iii) Tele switch
(iv) Fused isolator
(v) Three phase contactor
(vi) Three phase thermal relay
(vii) Three phase circuit breaker
(b) Give the area of application of each of the switch gears listed above
(c) Draw and label all the parts of the following lamps:
(i) An incandescent lamp
(ii) A fluorescent lamp
1) (a)
For an overhead power line, one can find the following items: 9m poles, 54mm’ bare conductors,
cross-arms and chain isolators. Explain the role of each of these items.
2) (a)
( 10 marks)
(b) Identify the type of power stations from the symbols of figure 1below’ and for each, state its primary
source of energy. (10 marks)
Figure I
w A
0) (ii) (iii)
(c) Distinguish between a substation and a generation station. (10 marks)
Name any five ways electrical energy can be produced
(b) Cite any four types of renewable energy.
(c) With respect to hydroelectric power plant, name three types of turbines.
3) (a) (6 marks)
(d) With the aid of a diagram, explain how electrical energy is produced from a hydroelectric power plant
( 12 marks)
4) (a)Slate two disadvantages of low power factor to the consumer of electricity
(b) Name two advantages of wound rotor motor over the squirrel cage induction motor.
(c) State one reason why fuse with a striker is advantageous in a three phase system.
(d) Draw the power and control diagrams of the star-delta starting method for starting three phase induction
motors withone direction of rotation. ( 12 marks)
Besinga Louis
April 18, 2024