gce 2022 intermediate level mechanical technology 1

gce 2022 intermediate level mechanical technology 1

gce 2022 intermediate level mechanical technology 1

Spur gears arc characterised by 10.
A straight teeth.
B parallel shafts.
C internal teeth .
D helical teeth .
1 .
Which of the gases below is most toxic?
An advantage of a diaphragm spring clutch over the 11 .
coil spring type is that it is
A easier in disengagement .
B softer in ride on Hal surfaces.
C wears lesser.
D less noisy.
B N2
C H20
The power actually developed inside the engine
cylinder is called
A indicated power.
B mean effective power.
C friction power.
D brake power.
The purpose of the differential lock is to
A lock the differential.
B differentiate the vehicles motion to the
various wheels.
C rigidly join the drive-shafts of either wheel
D enable one wheel to drive at different speed . What for theispear the stroke -shapedlength cam (shown X) moved in figure by the2follower . below,
given that d ] = 6mm and d2 = 12mm?
A device used to connect the drive from the engine
to the gear box is called a
A differential.
B clutch.
C flywheel.
D propeller shaft.

Which of the following information does not figure
directly on tyre markings?
A Section height.
B Construction type.
C Speed rating.
D Si/e.
5. Fig 1
A 18mm .
B 24mm .
C 12mm .
D 6mm .
The purpose of the diesel-engine glow plugs is to
A heat the engine combustion chambers for
easier starling.
B keep the engine warm after it has started.
C prevent engine freeze-up.
D warm the fuel oil so that it flows easily
during cold weather.
Rapid w ear of the front lyres and heavy steering is
likely due to
A over-steering.
B under-steering.
C excessive toe in or toe out.
D excessive load on front tyres.
The reduction of friction which occurs after a
prolonged application of brakes is known as
A brake failure.
B brake slip.
C brake fade.
D brake drag.
7. The function of the intake manifold is to
A distribute fresh charge into individual
B mix fuel and air.
C send in fuel to the valves.
D support the valves.
What is the meaning of the abbreviation ABS?
A Anti-braking system.
B Anti-assisted braking system .
C Anti-lock braking system.
D Anti- blocking system.
8. ’Hie viscosity of a lubricant
A increases with increased temperature.
B decreases with increased temperature.
C decreases with decreased temperature.
D increases with w ear.
The distance between the centre of the crankshaft
journal and the centre of the crank pin is called
A crank throw.
B bore .
C stroke.
D crank diameter.
9. 17. Positive crankcase ventilation means
A crankcase air is moving to the positive
direction .
B closed crankcase ventilation.
C open crank ease ventilation.
I) positive air is entering the crankcase

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