cameroon gce june English 2016 Paper 2

cameroon gce june English 2016 Paper 2





SECTION  B               C0MPOSITION (40 marks)


Content and Organization (12 marks)

Expression  (16 marks)

Accuracy (12 marks)

Choose  oNE  topic to write about from the lis below.  You are advised  to write clearly  and effectively,  to spell and punctuate correctly, and to ensure that your Hriting is appropriate in style and content to the topic chosen. Avoid obscene language and do not disclose your ide ntity. You should write between 450 – 500 words.

a) “When r saw my sister running and smiling, r guessed that she was bringing good news … ” Continue the story.

b)   Parent

c) Write about your favourite game or sports and state what can be done to improve on it.

d)   Should every village in Cameroon have a government secondary school?

e) Tell a story to illustrate the proverb, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

f) You failed in the last G.C.E. Examination. Write a letter to your father giving reasons for your failure and how you intend to improve on you result Your name is Peter Kings and your address is P.O. Box 10, Bonduma.

g) Describe how a very important meal in your area is prepared, and bring out its importance during traditional ceremonie

h) Write a story, a description or other form of composition suggested by one of the following picture Your composition may be directly about the subject of the picture or take some central suggestion(s) from it. There must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.




pic a                          pic b

 pic A                                                                                                            pic B


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