O level north west regional mock gce 2022 literature in English 1

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 literature in English 1

O level north west regional mock gce 2022 literature in English 1

This character is a gossip who is excited abr
wrestling and who thinks Celia and Rosalind
would greatly enjoy seeing Charles break
people’s ribs:
A) LeBeau
B) Dennis
C) Amiens

A passage of narrative spoken by a single
actor in which his or her thoughts are revealed
lo the audience is called a/an
A. aside
B. monologue
C. meditation
D. soliloquy
of the play As You Like It is
comic and romantic ~~
B) comedy and pastoral
-) simple and emotional
D) tragic and sympathetic
– court This ,character and instead refuses resolves to foltolow assume DukcScni a solitary ^ ‘tadTuT arid
contemplative life in a monastery:
A) Duke Frederick
B) Amiens
C) Jaques
D) William
12- out
3. Duke Frederick banishes Rosalind for being 13.
A) an enemy
B) too friendly
C) a spy
D) a traitor
4. The song “Under the greenwood tree” expresses .
A) the desire of a better life
B) the pleasures of a simple life
C) the eagerness to please stubborn desires
D) the desire to turn ambition
5. Orlando appears in the forest threatening to use force
if food is not supplied for Adam and himself. This
proves him to be
A. heartless
B. courageous
C. caring
D. determined
Mbanyam has wives, which reveals
the theme of
A. three/love
B. two/polygamy
C. four/marriage
D. one/tradition
15. This statement is true in The Immortal Seed.
A. Sadatu Gidado is a childhood friend to
B. Eposi is pushed into a rough lifestyle
because of poverty
C. Divine retribution catches up with Assi
and Mbaku
D. Akwen’s pastor comes to their house to
make Assi confess
6. One major theme in the play which heals, restores and
redeems is .
A. love and nature
B. appearance and reality
C. court and forest life
D. city life versus country life
Rosalind offers to cure Orlando of his love if .
A. he defeats Charles the wrestler in a fight
B. he will come daily and pretend to woo her
C. he will accompany her to her cottage
D. he accepts to become her father’s heir
The most outstanding role piayed by Mbaku
in The Immortal Seed is that of .
A. chairman of conflict resolution
committee in Misselele
B. middleman in the Njimewi Land sales
C. bosom friend to Tebo, who is Assi’s
younger brother
D. elder brother of Mbanyam, a friend to
Assi Jude
8. Jacques forbids Sir Oliver Mar-Text from marrying
Touchstone to Audrey because .
A) Touchstone may divorce Audrey at any time.
B) Sir Oliver Mar-Text is not a iicensed priest.
C) he wants a full marriage service with witnesses.
D) he wants them to be properly married in church
Phebe becomes
Silvius begs her to love him
A) naughty and pitiless.
B) insultive and careless.
C) proud and scornful.
D) friendly and sincere
10. Rosalind flees with Celia to the Forest of Arden,
dressed as a boy Graymede to
A) ward off unwanted attentions
B) hide her beauty from thieves
C) prevent her being discovered
D) woo and marry Orlando.
9. and when
17. Assi Jude’s main reason for murdering Tembi
A) Akwen was the girl he had always
wanted to marry
B) Tembi had deprived him of making love
to Ijang
C) Akwen was already betrothed to the
Prince, Tembi
D) he was avenging the death of Ijang, his

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