o level north west regional mock gce 2022 physics 2
o level north west regional mock gce 2022 physics 2
ECTION 1: (one hour). Attempt all questions in this section.
• a) Define work and state its S.I unit *
b) Differentiate between scalar and vector quantities, giving one examp e
c) Explain the following observations;
i) It is easier to cut with a sharp knife than with a blunt knife
ii) Fishes at the bottom of a sea experience higher pressure than
2. a) Mercury has a density of 13600 kgm”3.
Defined the underlined word ».*
b) A room has dimensions 5m by 4m by 3m. It is filled with air of density . 8m
i) volume of air in the room.
ii) mass of air in the room
iii) weight of air in the room.
\ 3. Figure 1 below shows a simple circuit diagram
Achu Dieudonné
March 12, 2024
I need Physics P2 Northwest Régional mock but I am not seeing it.