Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock English language 1
Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock English language 1
A. another imam .
‘ IV the bishop’s secretary
C. mulligan’s friend
D. the
21. “Iunderstandrcsidcn your^point £relate Laurent.I>go along with you
said GiovanL Giovani said that
_ _
A. Iie understands Laurent’s point and that he was withhim.
D. Iunderstand his point Laurent.Igo along with you.
C. IIc understoodI.aurent’s point and thathe was withhim
D. 1leunderstood Laurent’spoint and thatIgoalongwithhim
22. When Sir Mulligan first said that Peter acted rashly,it
means that Peter acted
A.. too quickly
B. without wisdom .
C. harshly
D. without reflecting
23. From the story, it can be concluded that Ndong is
in the church
11. Ndongisaccused of
A. goingagainstthe church’stradition
H disruptingthepence ofthe church
C. betrayingthe church and its tradition ‘
D. workingcontraryto some aspects ofthe church’s
IT. ‘1seeadoctrinebased on foreign culture and tradition
beingimposedonpeople whohave their own strong
tradition.”Ndongsaid.This implies that
XTthe churches shouldpractice boththe foreign and
African cultures and traditions *
B. thechurchesdo notlay enough emphases on what
is written in the scripture
C. diedoctrinesofthe churches aremore foreign than
D. thechurches see the foreignculture andtradition to
bemore superior to the African’s .
13. “Honest”,”fearless”, and“straightforward”,are
examples of
A. nouns
B. verbs
C. adjectives
D. adverbs , •
14. The prelate remarks thatNdongbreaths
advocating for
A. unity
B. equality
C. ‘ love
D. logethemess