Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock geography 2
Ordinary level 2023 northwest regional mock geography 2
State the climatic regions marked A,B,C,D.
(i) Describetwo characteristicsofthe climatic regionmarkedB.
(ii) Outline two differences between weather and climate.
(I) Four differences between the Rotation ofthe Earth andtheRevolution ofthe Earth.
(ii) What do youunderstandby theEclipse ofthe sun?
c)Describe one way adaptedto mitigate the effects ofeach ofthe following environmental problems:
(i) Water scarcity
(ii) Flooding
(iii) SoilErosion
(iv) Drought
(v) Global warming.
d)Name one organism each found within the different trophic levels ofan ecosystem statedbelow
(i) Producers
(ii) Primary consumers
(iii) SecondaryProducers
(iv) Tertiary consumers.
Zankado kenzo
June 1, 2023
Please can I have past gce questions and answers