Ordinary level 2024 Adamawa mock biology 1

Ordinary level 2024 Adamawa mock biology 1

Ordinary level 2024 Adamawa mock biology 1

A cause of malaria
A Mosquito
B Plasmodium
C Vibrio cholerae
Questions 9-17 (9 questions)
Directions: This group of questions relates to
biological diagrams. Each diagram is followed
by a question. Select the best answer for each
9. light sensitive cells of the eye are more
concentrated in
A 3
B 6
C 4
D 1
2. A bacteriophage,
A has pyrenoid
B reproduces in a living cell
C has flagella
D is a spherical shape bacterium
3. It undergoes complete metamorphosis
A Cockroach
B Grass hopper
C Termite
D House fly
4. Which part of a fish protects the gills against
mechanical injury
A Scales
B Fins
C operculum
D lateral line
5. The process in which pollen grains are transferred
from anthers to stigma of different flowers on the
same plants is
A Self pollination
B Pollinating agent
C double fertilization
D cross pollination
10. The diagram above shows numbered
structures in the digestive system of humans.
Where does chemical digestion of lipid
A 2
B 4
C 5
D 1
6. What is the name given to the path taken by an
impulse in a reflex action
A Neuron
B Reflex
C Reflex arc
D Synapse
7. The most abundant component of blood in terms
of its volume is
A Blood cells
B Blood proteins
C Dissolved food substances
D Water
8. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a
region of higher concentration to a region of lower
concentration. Which statement is true?
A It is a selective process
B Living membranes are essential
C Movement of substances is along the
concentration gradient.
D Respiration provides energy for the process


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