Ordinary level 2025 South West mock Economics 2

Ordinary level 2025 South West mock Economics 2

Ordinary level 2025 South West mock Economics 2


  • Subject Title: ECONOMICS

  • Paper Number: 2

  • Subject Code Number: 0525


  • Time Allowed: Two hours Thirty minutes

  • Instructions to Candidates:

    • This paper carries 8 questions. Answer any FIVE questions.
    • Each question carries 20 marks. For your guidance, the approximate mark for each part of a question is indicated in brackets.
    • If you answer MORE THAN FIVE questions, ONLY the first FIVE answers presented will be marked.
    • You must use ONLY Blue or Black ink. No answer in pencil will be marked.
    • You are reminded of the necessity for good English and orderly presentation in your answers.
    • You are advised to read carefully through the question paper before you begin your answers.
  • Question 1:

    • a) Use a table to classify the following enterprises into Unincorporated, Incorporated and Public sector business units:
      • Public limited companies
      • Sole proprietorship
      • Public corporations
      • Partnership
      • Municipal undertakings
      • Private limited companies (6 marks)
    • b) State and explain three roles played by cooperative societies in Cameroon (8 marks)
    • c) State and explain four reasons for Privatisation in Cameroon (6 marks)
  • Question 2:

    • a) Define the following types of economic Systems:
      • i. Capitalist economic system
      • ii. Command economic system
      • iii. Mixed economic system (6 marks)
    • b) State and explain four differences between the capitalist and planned economic systems. (8marks)
    • c) Explain three roles of the government in a mixed economic system. (6 marks)
  • Question 3:

    • a) Distinguish between location and localization of industries. (4 marks)
    • b) State and explain two advantages and two disadvantages of localization. (8 marks)
    • c) Explain four factors influencing the location of industries in Cameroon. (8 marks)
  • Question 4:

    • The table below shows data of a country’s balance of payments for a given year.
    • a) Distinguish between Balance of trade and balance of payments. (6 marks)
    • b) Calculate:
      • i. Balance of trade. (3 marks)
      • ii. Current account balance. (4 marks)
      • iii. Balance of payments. (1 mark)
    • c) Explain three first-aid measures used to correct a deficit on the BOP (6marks)
  • Table:

    • | Items | Figure in million FCFA | | — | — | | Import of cars and smart phones | 60 | | Invisible export | 55 | | Export of Timber and cotton | 75 | | Invisible import | 40 | | Capital account balance | 20 | | Balancing item | 5 |
  • Question 5:

    • The Table below shows the market demand and supply schedule for corn in a given market.
    • a) Complete the table. (6 marks)
    • b) What is the market price and why? (4 marks)
    • c) Calculate price elasticity of supply when price increases from 300FCFA to 500FCFA. (4 marks)
    • d) State and explain two reasons why the market quantity demanded decreases as price increases. (6 marks)
  • Table:

    • | Price (FCFA) | Buyer 1 | Buyer 2 | Seller 1 | Seller 2 | Market demand (Kg) | Market supply (Kg) | | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | | 100 | 50 | 40 | 15 | 5 | | | | 200 | 35 | 45 | 20 | 30 | | | | 300 | 30 | 40 | 30 | 40 | | | | 400 | 27 | 23 | 35 | 45 | | | | 500 | 25 | 15 | 50 | 50 | | | | 600 | 20 | 10 | 53 | 57 | | |
  • Question 6:

    • a). Define the following as used in economics:
      • i. Economic Planning.
      • ii. Economic Growth.
      • iii. Economic development. (2+2+2 marks)
    • b) State and explain Four possible causes of economic growth in Cameroon. (8 marks)
  • Question 7:

    • a) Distinguish between the following:
      • i. Budget surplus and budget deficit.
      • ii. Reproductive and Deadweight Debt.
      • iii. Progressive and regressive tax systems. (4+4+4 marks)
    • c) state and explain four possible remedies of unemployment in Cameroon. (8 marks)
  • Question 8:

    • a) Distinguish between demand-pull Inflation and cost-push inflation. (6 marks)
    • b) Explain three causes of demand-pull inflation. (8 marks)
    • c) State and explain:
      • i. Three determinants of national income.
      • ii. Two uses of national income statistics. (6 marks)

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