The Ministry of Education announces some changes in the Uganda Nation Examinations Board UNEB new curriculum established last year. Changes made are especially for Lower secondary students. As a result, the adjustment are as follows:
- Examinations should be given at end of year/class.
- Secondly, terminal examinations are no longer considered.
- “Objective”, “questions” have been phased out.
- Students should produce a fill report after the real field work.
- Fieldwork studies are school-based.
- Teaching should be learner-centered and not teacher-centered.
- Formative assessment contributes 20% and summative assessment 80%.
- Senior one are to do 12 subjects one been elective and 11 compulsory.
- In Geography, “Rhineland’s, North America” has been phased.
- Also, there will be 2 Physics and Chemistry papers.
- A candidate’s performance on examination shall be assigned a grade on a grade 7 point-scale.From grade 1(the highest) to grade 7 (the lowest) or ungraded (U).
- History has 2 papers: Paper 1: Historical and Political Education East Africa since 1000 A.D (Time 2hrs). 2 sections A (East Africa history) and B ( Historical and Political Education). Each section having 5 questions and student should choose 2 from each of them. Paper 2: Historical and Political Education outside East Africa since 1000 A.D. It comprises 8 essay questions.
- Next, the UCE changes to Uganda Certificate for Lower Secondary Education (UCLSE).
- General Science is only for students with special needs. especially for learners who are unable to study science subjects.
- The Examination papers reduces in all subjects.
- Agriculture as a topic has also been phased out from Geography.
- Last but not the least, terminal exams changed to activity of integration.
Subjects of the New Lower Secondary (‘O’) Level Curriculum.
Senior 1- Senior 2 (11 Compulsory plus 1 Elective).
Senior 3 – Senior 4 (7 compulsory plus 2 Electives).
Practical (Prevocational elective) Subjects: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Art and Design, ICT, Nutrition and Food Technology, Performing Arts, Technology and Design and Physical Education.
Source : PML Daily, UNEB POST
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May 3, 2021
GOOD .BT 4Ward da integrated term 1 activities 2 me
February 18, 2022
send me a sample of the physics UNEB examination paper of a new lower secondary curriculum
March 6, 2022
How are chemistry and mathematics intergration questions set in new curriculum ,examples if any
Muhindo Yahaya
March 22, 2022
Send a sample paper of physics and mathematics for senior one and senior two in this new curriculum
June 22, 2022
Sample questions 4 physics and mathematics Thax
Namulunyi Bosco
August 9, 2022
Jumba John
March 6, 2023
Send a sample of a set activity of integration
March 10, 2023
Sample papers for mtc and physics Proto type
May 3, 2023
Send me a sample of chemistry paper for new curriculum
Wandulu Aron
July 13, 2023
Send me sample art and design exam for new curriculum
Ala Francis
July 30, 2023
Send for me the sample of setting maths and physics paper 2
Alua Francis
July 30, 2023
Sample of setting maths and chemistry exams in his new curriculum
Kabunga George
September 3, 2023
nice job thanks
September 14, 2023
September 20, 2023
may you send me samples please
Kakulu Peter
September 22, 2023
Sample of physics and mtc papers
October 2, 2023
Sample for s3 history pls
October 15, 2023
October 26, 2023
Send biology and chemistry practical papers samples
Gryson Johnson
November 1, 2023
Please, send me a sample papers for kiswahili and chemistry. Thxxx
November 2, 2023
send me a uneb sample for setting geography in the new curriculum
Wanadi saviour
November 8, 2023
Can u send same sample of questions for this new curriculum because we don't know yet
February 17, 2024
Kindly send us some sample questions in mathematics and other subjects
May 5, 2024
Send me some chemistry items theory and practical