A level south west regional mock gce 2022 English Language 2

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 English Language 2

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 English Language 2

QUESTION 1: SUMMARY (15 marks)
Read the following passage carefully and in a paragraph of not more than 150 words, bring out the uses
of water to man.
A lot of reasons exist why people need water. From the inhabitants of the dry Sahara who visit the oasis, to the Atlantic
coasts that flood with water, those who live in arid and semi-arid zones cultivate the soils but need water for mulching
and irrigation. They channel water from the seas, the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans to their farms. Some of these
channels are too strenuous, costly and almost impossible to construct considering the weather conditions of these places.
In times past, workers would decide to line up on a particular day for the digging. These were mostly poor farmers who
could not afford to pay workers, but needed to use the water on their little farms. Most farmers were and are still ignorant
of the aftermath of using salt water on their farms. So after such work, they found that not only had they wasted their time,
the presence of the water had not improved their farms. Sometimes they would abandon the canals and with time, the
amount of sand, clay, or mud would block the flow of water. But sometimes natural canals could provide fresh water for
crops and for drinking.
Water can be used to cook good food and prevent it from getting burnt. Most instances of burning reported that escalation
from cooking pots indicate the absence of water in the cooking vessel before the flames were noticed. This implies that
water could be used in circumstances to avoid bunting. This could be why, sometimes, water is used to stop fire on
buildings by neighbors and members of the firefighting departments. As far as boiling is concerned, water is an almost
indispensable element to the cooking. This changes the texture of the food substance, makes it softer and more appetizing
and the temperature from the water helps in cooking the food. The quantity and.quality of the water to be used is of the
essence as most cooks will attest: The wrong quantity, for example, could destroy the texture of food. That is why certain
quantities, temperatures and qualities of water are prescribed in books on cookery to attain the desired effects. It can be
drunk by humans and animals alike as the source of body minerals and yet the water that should be drunk must be clean,
not smelly and tasteless. Also, certain quantities of waters are required by people at certain times.
Dehydration could lead to a number of inconveniences that affect from the internal to the external appearance and
functioning of the human body. Dehydrated people usually appear to have dry lips that sometimes develop cracks.
Drinking too much water could also wash-off calcium and proteins from the body. These elements are also needed by the
human body for smooth functioning; once the body lacks them, the deficiency could result in bone, or growth and
development problems. Animals also need water to survive. That is why whether they are domestic or wild, they cannot
stay too long from it. Deer, gazelles and zebras are usually known to graze around places in grasslands where there is
water. This is because in addition to the assurance that they will not die of thirst, the presence of water also ensures the
presence of fresh green pasture. When deprived of water, most people feel inconvenient because they need water to run
their toilets and other equipment in the water cistern. Without this, the general aura of filth fills the air and people get
uncomfortable. Alongside soap, water is the primary product for laundry. Individuals and laundry firms need water to
function smoothly.
Water has to be subjected to certain conditions to serve man. Once it is not controlled in nature, water can be the reason
for a lot of destruction and even deaths. When there is a lot of rain, in some places there is.a flood which leads to the
destruction of houses, cars, trees and animals. A lot of lives are lost in floods, hurricanes and cyclones. Here the water is

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