A level south west regional mock gce 2022 religious studies 2

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 religious studies 2

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 religious studies 2

1. To what extent would you assert that the faith of Abraham led to his being called by
God or his call caused him to be faithful. (25mks)
2. ‘Not only Esua alone could be blamed for his downfall.’Do you agree? (25mks)
3. Joseph stands as a Religioous and Hitorical figure in the Hebrew Scripture. Discuss.
4. Examine the life of Samuel in the following:
i) Prophet or seer 8mks
ii) Kingmaker lOmks
iii) Priest
iv) Judge
5. ‘This is your king! This is your king; there is no one like him!”Long live the king!
Long live the king!’ they responded.
a) Who made this statement?
b) To whom did he make the statement?
c) Who is the king mentioned in the text? (1,14)
d) Examine the circumstances that led to the rejection of Saul as king of Israel.
e) Of what relevance is that situation to our society of today? (4mks)
6. To what extent can you assert that David is a King whose heart was after God?
7. Discuss the teaching of Islam on:
a. Marriage.
b. Abortion.
c. Contraception. (15, 5,5mks)
8. Assess the significance in Islam of:
a. Pilgrimage.
b. Jihads. (10, 15mks)
9. Discuss the teaching and practicality of peace in Islam.
10. Discuss the ritual of cleaning in Islam.
11. Explain how the Muslim.
a. Treat women.
b. Carry out fasting. (10, 15mks)
12. Discuss the Islamic belief on:
a. Angels.

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