O level south west regional mock gce 2022 English language 2

O level south west regional mock gce 2022 English language 2

O level south west regional mock gce 2022 English language 2

You are an agricultural officer in your community. You realize the presence of
many IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) in your community and you feel the only
way you can help them out is to engage them in agriculture, and so decides to organise
a workshop for them, highlighting what is necessary for Agricultural Communities.
Selecting relevant material from the passage below, and in a paragraph of not more
than 150 words, write out your talk. Write in a convincing manner. Pay particular
attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation and hand writing.
If people are to spend their lives cultivating the land, year in and year out, in the
same place, certain things are necessary. The land must be reasonably fertile, not too
cold and not too hot, not too unprotected from the wind, not too heavily overshadowed
with forest trees, not too swampy so that the grain is drowned, but above all, not too
dry. Water is the first necessity for growing food. There must be some sort of tools to
do the field work, spades and hoes and mattocks and ploughs, and oxen or horses to
draw any but the smallest kind of plough. It will often be more economical and more
convenient if everybody does not make his own tools, but one man does the blacksmith
work for the whole community, not growing any food himself but being kept by those
who do, in return for making their tools. There must be granaries and bams built to
store the food for the winter, and some sort of guard or defence to keep the settlement
from being attacked by wild beasts or possibly by neighbouring peoples who are short
of food themselves. There must be arrangement to see that the ploughing and sowing
and reaping are done at the proper times; there must be people who know the weather
calendar and can tell when the god of the harvest likes the harvest to begin and how to

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