Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock geography 2
Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock geography 2
1.a)Explainhow any two ofthe following factors influence the spatial variation ofglobal temperature.
ii) Influence ofRelief
b) Distinguish between the terms’islands ofclimate”and“HeatIslands”
c) Examine any Three static factors that influence the shapeof a Storm Hydrograph.
2.a) What do you understand by the theory of Plate Tectonics?
b) Examine two major hazards associated with earthquakes and their mitigation measures
c) Briefly explain any one of the following:
ii) ImpactofVolcanicity onMan.
iii)How River Discharge and Velocity affect Efficiency
3.a)Briefly explain the meaningofsoil profile and examine the processes involved in its development,
b)i)What do you understand by an Ecological Pyramid ?
ii)Withreference to anamed ecosystem, identify the variationin the transfer and store ofnutrients
c) Briefly distinguish between any two ofthe following pairs oftenns:
ii) Soil texture and soil structure
iii)Calcification and Podsolization (6marks)
4.a)Explain the term”Carrying Capacity”and Demographic Explosion,” as used in Population Geography. (8marks)
b) Examinethe validity ofany one ofthe following assertions:
^ii)Population Populationdata growth obtained is caused fromby Static demographic Sources constitute factors. the only reliable source ofdemographic data.
iii)Areas ofdense population are often overpopulated.
c) Explain theexpression”Necessity,is the mother of inveation.”as used by Esther Boserup.
5.a)i) With reference to examples, distinguish between Intensive and Extensive farming.
ii) ExplainhowLocational Rentreduces with increase distance from the market.
b) Discuss any one ofthe following:
ii) How MaterialIndex influence the location ofmanufacturing industries.
c) Examine two factors that influence the development of road transport network.
6.a)Explain how technological changes have reduced the importance of factors of location of early settlement. (6marks)
b) Why do nucleated rural settlement patterns change over time?
c)i)Distinguish between the following terms:
-Urban field and Urban Primacy
-Functional Segregation andBid-Rent.
ii)Examineany two measures takentoredresstheproblemsofUrbansprawlandInner-city decay.
a) Explain the followingEnvironmental Hazards:
i) GlobalWanning(ii)Pollution
b) Discuss two mitigation and two adaptation strategies to curb the negative effects of flooding.
c) Examine how human practices in agriculture have contributed to soil erosion.
a) Briefly explain the following concepts:
i) TradeBloc(ii)Globalization(iii)Containerization(iv)HumanDevelopmentIndex(HDI)
b) « Globalization is amixed blessing » Elucidate the validity of this statement.