Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock geography 3
Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock geography 3
1 Sliuly llic map extract of Limbo and Environs at 1:50 000 provided and answer the questions that follow.
a)i). Compare Ihe northern const from tho west of the map to MORTON POINT and that from MORTON POINT to
MONKEYS POINT in the South. (Smarks)
ii.Ilow have these differences in(a)i)above influenced settlement distribution along the coast? (5marks)
b)i With the aid of a drainage sketch map of the river labeled ‘A’, East ofManukole, rank its streams,using Strahler’s
(4 marks)
ii.Calculate thebifurcation ratio ol the basin. (4marks)
iii Prom the answer obtained in (dii)what advice can you, as a hydrologist give to those who wantto settle around
the stream?
c)With map evidence only, examine the reasons why plantation agriculture is the main farming system carried out in
Limbc and environs, ^marks)
d) Using evidence from the map, stale and explain why transport network is poorly developed in the Eastern part of the map
(6 marks)
2. Based on the fieldwork you have undertaken in Physical or Human Geography, choose one of the following topics:
i) Stream channel flow characteristics
ii) Soil characteristics
iii) Vegetation characteristics
iv) Rural or urban land use /characteristics
v) A modern factory or cottage industry
vi) Traffic flow characteristics.
a) Locate and describe the urea where the fieldwork was carried out.
b) State the aim(s) and hypothesis.
c) Identify the equipment and clearly expluin how you used them to obtain your data.
d) How was your data processed and your results presented?
c) What was your conclusion?
f) What problems did you encounter in the field andhow were they solved?
3.The table below shows the temperature and rainfall data for Sangmelima, South region of Cameroon.
Albert Karl
June 4, 2023
October 22, 2024
Please sir I need your help