Ordinary level 2024 Littoral mock economics 1

Ordinary level 2024 Littoral mock economics 1

Ordinary level 2024 Littoral mock economics 1

When tltc iiumeitc.il value ol income elasticity of demand
isequal to zero, the good is.
A. A luxury good
B. An inferior good
C. An independent good
1). A necessity good
2 A retail shop formerly selling only exercise Imoks lias
expanded Ute lunge of pioduci* n sells lo include lampico,
Biscuits jnd Sachet water lite tenn used to describe this
kiiiuium iscalled:
B. Profit making
C. Selling many products
1). Dixcisiticmion_
3 Whichofihc followingwill icsuli indemand pull inllaiion?
A. An increase in government hudeel surplus
B. An increase in taxes
C. An increase in the demand fui die country’s exports
P. An increase inthe price of importedtaw materials
4 revenuecan Ik- generated Iroindie Agricultural sector
A. Farmproduce arc processed mio semi-finishedo*
finished goods before selling
B. Form inputs are supplied to farms-rs
C. Y uudis arc ciicnurngcd to do ranuuig
D. Farm to marfccl toads are constructed
y Pttllulmit which results from ihc building ol a \j* null
factory besides a school is an example of.
A. Social costs
II. Privatecost
C. Fixedcom
D. Positive externalities _
10. The government wishes to reduce the gap between the rich
and the poor, which of the following measures will ir use?
A. Increase taxes on essential goods
H. Increasedirect taxes
C Reducesubsidies given to industries
0. Reduce the provision of goods_
5. Ciiven the quaulity demanded and supplied in die forms of
equations (>l- 32-3p and<>- Xp- 12. respectively,what
is the equilibrium price0
B. 44
C. 20
P. 4_
0 The age structure ofa given country shows dul (Mr.of the
populationconsistsofchildren. 20*.ofworking population
and the rest old people. If tlsc populationof tins country is
20nulliiHi people, what is the dependency ratio of this
A. 4:1
B. 1:4
C. 3 5
P. 4:5 _
7 Which ol the following is an example of a pingicssive ta x
in Cameroon”
A. Excise tax oncocoa
B. Tax or pcltnl
Personal income tax
0. Value tabledna _
X I his question is based on the following balance sheet of a
commercial bunk figures arc hi million U FA
Cash in hand <••• 500
Investment……. …. , 450
Money at call. -150
Advances .

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