cameroon gce O level June 2024 french 2

cameroon gce O level June 2024 french 2

cameroon gce O level June 2024 french 2

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Njie was a form live student, l ie lived with his parents in the village and would trek five kilometres every day to his
school. His father always advised him to keep away from bad friends who come to school to create disorder and end
up failing their exams.
He once told Njie that Rasta, the mad man at the village square, was his classmate in primary and secondary school.
“He ended up like that because he decided to take the wrong path”. He told him.“He used to stay away from classes,
loiter around the campus and consume hard drugs”, he added.
Many of Rasta’s friends did not live long to regret their bad life: Don Boy died in prison some years ago and
Dandyman was stabbed to death, by a member of their gang.
Each time Njie saw Rasta talking to invisible people and laughing at jokes he alone could hear, he swore never to
touch harmful drugs in his entire life.
Using a tense suitable to your chosen topic, write an essay in French, of at least NO and not more than / 50 words,
(not counting figures, words in brackets, abbreviations and names of people or places) on ONE of the following
Credit will be given for the correct use of a variety of expressions, verbs, vocabulary and idioms.
If you choose topic (b), your name must be MBENG and your address Lycee de Njith.
If you choose topic (c), your essay must be based on the events in the picture.
Off-topic material will earn no marks.
Vous avez participe a une fete traditionnelle dans votre village.
dites de quelle ceremonie il s’agissait, la date et ceux qui y ont assiste ;
dites quclles activites vous ont interesse et comment tout s’est termine ;
donnez vos impressions personnelles ainsi que celles des autres participants.
(a )
Un membre de votre famille a ete teste positif au COVID-19 et refuse le diagnostic des medecins.
Dans une lettre, parlez- lui de la maladie a Corona-Virus ; donnez —Ini des conseils en precisant :
les causes et manifestations du COVID-19 ;
comment gerer la maladie ;
le comportement a adopter pour se proteger, et proteger les autres.
( b)
En vous appuyant sur les images ci-apres, racontez une histoire dans laquelle vous parlerez :
des causes des inondations ;
des consequences sur la population ;
des solutions pour mettre fin a ce fleau.

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