cameroon gce A level 2024 building construction project management 2
cameroon gce A level 2024 building construction project management 2
Question 1(COMPULSORY)
Figuresl,2, and 3 below represent the gateway to Mr. Johnsons’ compound. It provides sheltei loi visitors such that, when
knocking at the gate, the visitor should not suffer from rain or sun. It is constiucted wit i rein oice concrete laving the
following structural elements:
• 2 identical footings, of 80 x 3.10 with each carrying 2 identical pillars ol 30 x30
• The shelter is of RC coupled roof of thickness 12cm.
• Lean concrete of 5cm thick is placed under the footing.
a) Calculate the volume of lean concrete for the footings
b) Calculate the volume of RC for the footings
c) Calculate the volume of RC for the pillars
d) Calculate the volume of RC for the beams
e) Calculate the volume of RC for the roof
f) Determine the surface area of the form work for the realization of the beams and rool slap
g) Determine the surface area of formwork for pillars
Question 2
Given the following information about a building construction project to be realized. | 1/1 | |
Lean concrete | M3 | 13.50 |
RC concrete | M3 | 43.31 |
Form work | M 2 | 101.12 |
a) Determine the quantity of lean concrete, reinforced concrete and surface ol formwork if; loss due to mixing, vibration and transportation is 12%, 15%, respectively for lean concrete and reinforced concrete, while formwork |
has a working loss of 7%. | (3 \3– 9 marks) |
b) Batching of concrete for lnv3 is given as follows:
Lean concrete | 200kg 400kg |
3601 | 7001 | 1801 |
Reinforced concrete | 4001 | 8001 | 2001 | |
Considering loss due to pilfering is as follows: | ||||
Sand=5%, gravel=3%, water =0%, rods=3%, and cement=10%. | ||||
Determine the quantity of sand, gravel, cement, rods and water for lm3 ol R.C. (1x5=5 marks) Determine the quantity of sand, gravel, cement, rods and water for the project (2×5=10 marks) |
I . II. |
c) Given that the unit time expended is as followers | ||||
1 Mixing of concrete 4hrs/m 3
2 Casting concrete 3.5hrs/m
3 Placing of reinforcement 0.75hrs/m3
4 Placing formwork 3hrs/nr
5 Striking form work 2.5hrs/nr