Ordinary level 2024 South West mock citizenship education marking guide

Ordinary level 2024 South West mock citizenship education marking guide

Ordinary level 2024 South West mock citizenship education marking guide

(i) The National Anthem of Cameroon
(ii) Bernard Fonlon
(iii) In French language
(1+1+1 marks)
b) (i) The National flag, the Seal, the Coat of
Arms, the Motto
ii) The National Anthem is sung during the
following occasions
– when the flag is being hoisted,
– It is also being sung during official
ceremonies to mark the arrival of head of
state or an important state official at public
ceremony etc.
c) i)
Their “tears and blood and sweat thy soil did
as used in the text, signifies the sufferings,
sacrifices and the endurance made in the past by
patriots and the phrase pays tributes to the ancestors
of the fatherland.
(ii) Land of promise, Land of Glory,
Thou, of life and joy, our only store,

Thine be honour, thine devotion,
And deep endearment, for evermore.

Thine be honour, thine devotion
And deep endearment, for evermore.
d) i) South West Region
ii) River Sanaga, River Wouri
(1+2 marks)
e) Importance of the National Symbols
The National flag
-Where ever it is hoisted, it represents the
sovereignty of the state
-It stands for the independence of Cameroon
-It also represents the authority of the state
The Seal
-It is stamped on official documents to show their
– It is also used to legalize and certify public
contracts, international treaties and convention that
the Republic of Cameroon subscribes to.
-It is the symbol of state authority conferred on a
particular individual under specific
-The seal of Cameroon is placed under the custody
of the Ministry of Justice and keeper of the seal.

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