A level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 2

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 2

A level north west regional mock gce 2022 history 2

1. To what extent were the Ethnic movements in Cameroon in the 19th century caused by constraints?
2. How far did the London Baptist Missionary Society overcome the challenges they encountered in
Cameroon by 1884? (25marks)
3. Account for the native’s inability to carry out a successful resistance against German rule in
Cameroon. (25 marks)
4. To what extent did the failed Condominium contribute to the Partition of Cameroon in 1916
SECTION B: 1922 – 1961
5. Why and with what results did the British introduce the policy of Indirect Rule in Southern
(25 marks)
6. To what extent did native disunity result in the failure of indigenous rebellion to French rule during
(25 marks)
7. “Arrogance and pride contributed to Endeley’s demise in the 1959 election in Southern Cameroon”.
How far do you agree?
8. How successful were the measures adopted by the French to stifle opposition from the UPC between
1948 and I960?.
the Mandate period?
(25 marks)
9. Account for Ahidjo’s success in imposing a centralized Federation in Foumban in 1961 . (25marks)
10. How far did the KNDP squabbles in West Cameroon contribute to the death of political pluralism in
the Federal Republic of Cameroon in 1966? (25 marks)
H. Cameroon’s foreign policy during the reign of Ahidjo revolved around the principles of National
Independence; Non Alignment and International Cooperation.” Discuss
12. Why and with what results was there a Coup d’Etat in Cameroon in 1984?.
(25 marks)
(25 marks)

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