A level south west regional mock gce 2022 biology 1

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 biology 1

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 biology 1

Question 4-7 concerns the following statements.
9. Anaerobic condition
A. 1.1%
B. 3.2%
C. 2.1%
D. 2.9%
A -If statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
B – If statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
C-If both statements 1 and 2 are false
D-If both statements 1 and 2 are true
10. A herbivore harvested grass this morning.
Classify the proper order in which the grass will pass
along its alimentary canal
A. Mouth, rumen, abomasum, reticulum
B. Mouth, abomasum, rumen, reticulum
C. Mouth, reticulum, rumen, abomasum
D. Mouth, rumen, reticulum, abomasum
Statement 1 Statement 2
Acetylcholine is broken
down by an enzyme
called cholinesterase
Amino acids are
amphoteric in having
just the acid
11. A woman with a normal 28 days menstrual cycle
menstruated on 14/02/2020. Predict when probably was
her next menses.
The loop of Henle is
located in the renal
medulla of the
The loop of Henle is
longer in Kangaros/
camels than in humans

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