A level south west regional mock gce 2022 geology 1
A level south west regional mock gce 2022 geology 1
1. This process occurs when solid material
or soil detaches from a steep slope and
falls freely for some distance, and then
bounces and rolls prior to coming to a
A. Rock fall.
B. Slides.
C. Mudflow.
D. Debris flow.
A. Edentate.
B. Isodont.
C. Heterodont.
D. Taxodont.
Fig. 2
2. A rock composed of cemented sand and
gravel is:
A. Shale.
B. Conglomerate.
C. Granite.
D. Marble.
8. Which of the following elements is found in
the earth’s crust both as a native element and
as a compound?
A. Argon.
B. Copper.
C. Chlorine.
3. Which geologic Epoch belongs in the D. Silicon.
Cenozoic era?
A. Paleocene.
B. Pennsylvanian.
C. Quaternary.
D. Cretaceous.
9. The following are major intrusive rocks;
A. Sill, dyke, batholiths.
B/ Sill, laccolith, batholith.
C. Laccoliths, batholiths, dyke.
D. Stock, batholith, locoliths.
4. Temperatures at which lava solidifies ranges
from about
A. 100; 200.
B. 300; 1000.
C. 700; 1200.
D. 1000; 2000.
°C for silica-rich lava to
10. Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2> with 83 percent of
cu metal is considered a/an;
A. Mineral deposit.
B. Ore deposit.
C. Ore mineral.
D. Metallurgy.
°C in for silica-poor lava.
Study the crystal model below and answer
question 5. in 11.Cameroon Which of?the following is the oldest rock
A. Porphyritic basalts at Bakingili.
B. Pyritised shales at Ediki.
C. Gneiss at Maham III.
D. Sandstone at Bekoko.
12. Which of the following is a coastal basin
in Cameroon?
A. Mamfe Basin.
B. Yola-Garoua Basin.
C. Djerem-Mbere Basin.
D. Rio del Rey Basin.
Figure. 1
5. What diagnostic symmetry elements are
used to classify this crystal model into its
crystal system?
A. 3 planes of symmetry, 3 axes of symmetry
and a center of symmetry.
B. No plane, no axes and a center of
C. 1 plane, 1 axis and a center of symmetry.
D. 3 planes, 4 axes and a center of symmetry.
13. The magnitude of an earthquake measures
A. The amount of destruction.
B. The degree of trembling.
C. The amount of energy released.
D. The intensity of the quake.
6. When clay hardens ipto a rock, it forms