A level south west regional mock gce 2022 geology 2

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 geology 2

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 geology 2

1 (8 marks)
– a) Describe briefly four modes of preservation of fossils,
b) Define the following geologic terms;
Zone fossils
IV. Pelagic organisms
Littoral zone
c) Classify uniseral graptolites based on the orientation of the stipes

(10 marks)
(7 marks)
(Total: 25 marks)
2. a) Describe the following structures as used in sedimentary Geology;
Mud cracks
Graded bed
b) Describe the following depositional features;
c) Describe the processes that lead to the conversion of sediments to shale.
d) Briefly discuss the role of temperature in metamorphism.
e) List 6 structures found in lava flow.

3. a) Differentiate the rocks schist and gneiss based on the following:
Grade of Metamorphism *> (10 marks)
b) Using a diagram of continent/ocean convergent boundary, label possible areas of
Metamorphism and state the types of Metamorphism.
c) State the following stratigraphic principles;
i) Principle of Original Horizontality
ii) Principle of Cross Cutting Relationship

(10 marks)
(5 marks)
(Total: 25 marks)
4. a) With the aid of diagrams, describe the dip-slip faults (12 marks)
b) Explain briefly the various ways in which rocks will respond to the application of stress.
(9 marks)
(4 marks)
(Total: 25 marks)
c) State the major faults zones in Cameroon.
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
5. a) List four geophysical methods used in the exploration of mineral deposits.
b) List four mineral deposits found in Cameroon.
c) Outline the usefulness of the following geologic materials to man;

d) By the use of a diagram, briefly describe supergene enrichment in a copper node. (13 marks)

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