A level south west regional mock gce 2022 literature in English 1

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 literature in English 1

A level south west regional mock gce 2022 literature in English 1

General Literary Principles (1-10)
1. Euphony is to language that is harmonious
as is to harsh and discordant language.
A). Dactyl
B). Cacophony
C). Epiphany
D). Decorum
2. The use of signs, gestures and facial
expressions in communication in a play without
speech is called
A). Flashback
B). Epic theatre
C). A play within a play
D). Mime
8. A story that makes use of animals and birds as
characters is called:
A). Novella
B). Picaresque
C). Fable
D). Trope
9. A poem in which certain letters spell out a
word best defines:
A). Acrostic
B). Epic
C). Epithalomion
D). Elergy.
3. A poem that has the form and musical quality
of a song is known as:
A), a lyric
B). an elegy
C). a sonnet
D). an epic
i j
10. Which is the correct spelling of this word?
A) Mortuary
B) Motuary
C) Mutuary
D) Mutuoary
4. The main function of the simply future tense is
to i
A). Predicts events based on opinion
B). Talk about an activity
C). Discuss events as a result of previous
D). Say that something has ended
11. In Claudius’ opening speech, the statement
“with mirth in funeral and with dirge in
marriage” is a good example of
A). Paradox
B). Metonymy
C). Pathos
D). Oxymoron
5. “Your watch is good for the museum”. This
statement is a/an:
A). Litotes
B). Innuendo
C). Irony
D). Personification
12. “Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy
judgement”; The statement is from:
A). Claudius to Hamlet
B). Laertes to Ophelia
C). Polonius to Ophelia
D). Polonius to Laertes
6. One of the following plays a greater role in
creating mood in stage production:
A). Scenery
B). costume and props
C). Dialogue and action
D). Lighting and sound effect

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