A level south west regional mock gce 2022 philosophy 1
A level south west regional mock gce 2022 philosophy 1
Given that the proposition: “All kids are
fanatics” is false, which of the following can
be said to be doubtful and true respectively?
A “Some kids are fanatics” and “No kids ‘
are fanatics”.
“Some kids are fanatics” and “some
kids are not fanatics”.
C “No kids are fanatics” and “some kids
are not fanatics”.
D “Some fanatics are kids” and ccNo kids
are fanatics”.
6. A syllogism in which there is partial or
complete exclusion of the subject term from
the predicate term in both premises must
obviously commit one of the following
B A Fallacy of terms
B Fallacy of illicit minor
C Fallacy of exclusive premise
D Fallacy of illicit major
7. An Enthymeme of the third order is expressed
2. Which of the following statements has as by:
contrapositive, the proposition: “Some
successful candidates are not non-students”? Expression of the conjunction “and”
Suppression of the major premises
Omission of the conclusion
A All student are unsuccessful candidates
B No unsuccessful candidates are students
Some students are unsuccessful D Suppression of the connective “Since
Considering the statement: “If Paul does not
study hard, he wouldn’t succeed in his
venture” to be the major premise of a
syllogism, what w ill be the conclusion of the
invalid form of the modus Tollens?
D No students are unsuccessful candidates 8.
3. Identify that which is absolutely true to an
A All arguments have a premise and a
B In any argument, the truth of the
conclusion follows from the truth of the
A Peter succeeds in his venture
B Peter does not study hard
premises C Peter studies hard
All arguments have a single conclusion
derived from one or more premises
D Peter wouldn’t succeed in his venture
All arguments are syllogisms in which a
conclusion is derived from two or more
D 9. Identify the fallacy clearly committed in the
following argument: “President Barrack
Obama argues that we should avoid eating junk
food. But look at what he eats: cheese burgers,
f • ‘ ’ * ‘
French fries, hot dogs and cheese – . : steaks.
Clearly, Obama’s arguments about food are not
worth listening to”
4. Identify the argument below which commits
both the fallacies of undistributed middle and
illicit major
A Fallacy of ignoratio Elenchi
B Fallacy of Tu quoque
Fallacy or argumentatum ad hominem
Fallacy of argumentum ad Populum
5. In which figures of the syllogism are the AEE
and EIO moods valid? 10. Determine the truth values to be assigned to V
and T respectively to render the truth function.
V.T 0 ~ R to be false given that r is true
A First and third figures
B Second and fourth figure
C Third and second figure A True, True
D Fourth and first figure B True, True