Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock economics 2
Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock economics 2
With the use of examples, distinguish between“internal and external
economics of scale”
(h) 1o what extentis large scaleproductionbeneficialto firms?
How can the government intervene in the market to controlprices ?
(b) What are the positive economic implicationsof government settingprices
to favour consumers?
Withthe aid of diagrams,explain:
(a) tlie economic significance offree entryinperfectcompetition.
(b) how price andoutput are determinedinthe longruninmonopoly.
(a) Advancereasons why TradeUnionspress forhigher wageclaims.
(b) Under whatcircumstances wouldTradeUnions succeedinsuchdemands?
(8 marks)
2. (a) (12 marks)
(8 marks)
4. (8marks)
ELAD Kinge
April 20, 2023
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