Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock history 2

Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock history 2

Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock history 2

4. Account for and evaluate the results ofCameroon’s involvementin the First World War. (25 marks)
5. Assess the socio-economic developmentinBritish Southern Cameroons during the Mandate period.
(25 marks)
i°” extentweretheteimsoftheMandateAgreementrespectedinFrenchCameroon? (25marks)
7. Trace the origin, and discuss the impact of the Eastern Regional Crisis of 1953 in the political
development ofBritish Southern Ccuncroons. (25 marks)
8.How far did Ahidjo solve the problems he inherited from Andre Marie Mbida between 1958 andi960?.
(25 marks)
9. Account for the ease with which a Centralised Federation was established in Foumban in 1961.
(25 marks)
10.Were there soundreasons for Ahidjo’s change fromMultipartism to a Single Party system in Cameroon
in September 1966?. (25 marks)
11. Trace the origin and examine the consequences of the Camcroon-Nigeria border crisis during the reigns
ofPresident Ahmadou Ahidjo and PaulBiya. (25 marks)
the New Deal government hitby an economic crisis inthel980s and 90s?
(25 marks)

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