Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock physics 1

Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock physics 1

Advanced level 2023 northwest regional mock physics 1

Figure 5 shows a copper cylindn,.,
.nodel railway lines, t he diameto,!? Cf*” roN«»<>
that ol section V ° SCctl°’’X is hall’
32. Fi mS;lyoni

Figure 5
NV iliere is a current oflin the cylinder in the direction
as snow ,’ u,“,|,,e v ratio ofthe drift velocity ofthe electrons,

B. 4:1 I
II 46’the .3crns velocity ~l.fheir ofthe velocity wavesininmedium thenicdiu n^*p-‘S6
A. 70.Wans
ll 30A4cms~1
C. 39.13cm.v~1
1). 34.7Hems-1 _
The earth exerts a force of9.8KTond~77 —-
at its surface.II’m is moved to aheiiyJiV^^ol 1

C. 1:2
JJhjy * »,
27. A capacitor discharging through a fixed iob kn
resistor loses 35% of its charge in Is The
capacitance ofthe Capacitor isA. 9.5×10″6F
13. 2.2x 10-2F
C. 5.3.v 10~sF
I). 2.3.v 10
33. ‘
s /- <
earth’s ratlin torcc on
2S. A substance of mass 6.25kg is heated by a I00UW
heater and a straight line graph of slope
0.30 °C s’1is obtained wlieii temperature is plotted
against time. flic specific heat capacity ofthe
substance in M7/-1 k~’ is
A. 4.0 x 102
13. 0 1.0 x 10-3
O. C 4.0 x 10*
D, D) 1.0 x 102
29. A carnoi engine operates between temperaturesof 400
k and 200 k and accepts a heat input of 800 J.The
work output is
A. 200 J
13. 400 .1
C. 500.1
D 600.1
30. The ground state of mercury is represented by energy
of-10.4eV. What would happen ifa mercury atom
were hit by an electron which gave the atom 10.4 eV?
A. The electron in the mercury atom becomes free
B. The electron in the mercury atom will become
excited and later return to the initial state.
C. The electron in the mercury atom will move faster
in the same orbit
D. The electron in the mercury atom will jump to a
higher energy level using part of the energy

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