Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock Literature in English 1

Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock Literature in English 1

Advanced level 2024 CASPA mock Literature in English 1

1. Nonfiction is a story
A. That deals with likelihood
B. That it is not true to life
C. In which nonhuman beings are main characters
D. About real people and real events
2. The element of literature in which the principle of causality
is greatly visible is
A. Setting
B. Plot
C. Theme
D. Style
3. A work of arts that goes beyond time and space is said to
A. Spaceless
B. Realistic
C. Universal
D. Fictional
4. What can a director likely do to have the cast of a play?
A. Performance
B. Audition
C. Curtain call
D. Reheard
5. Derrick composed a poem of six quatrains, therefore the
poem has______ lines
A. 18
B. 24
C. 30
D. 60
6. In poetry the repetition of similar ending sounds is
A. Onomatopoeia
B. Alliteration
C. Assonance
D. Rhyme
7. A story about the achievements of a hero is called
A. Fable
B. Folktale
C. Legend
D. Myth
8. Which of these is not a type of prose
A. Narrative
B. Descriptive
C. Expository
D. Chronological
9. Sherly was shocked to hear that the corpse of her father was
already at the_____
A. mutuary
B. mortuary
C. motuary
D. mortuary
10. We arrived the Douala airport this morning. In this
sentence, the word “Douala’’ is a
A. Descriptive adjective
B. Predicate adjective
C. Proper adjective
D. Possessive adjective
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE:|Coriolanus(11-14)
11. Menenius’ story about the stomach and other
parts of the body makes use of the following
except one
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Allegory
D. Personification
12. “More of your conversations will infect my brain, being
the herdsmen of the beastly plebeians”. This statement is
made by
A. Martius when the citizens complain about corn
B. Menenius when the tribunes complain about Martius’ pride
C. Cominius when the tribunes want to banish Martius
D. Volumnia when Virgilia is disturbed about Martius’
13. The consulship tradition that influences the tribunes to
convince the citizens against Martius is
a. Refusal to wear a toga of humility
b. Refusal to show wounds
c. Refusal to beg for votes
d. Begging for votes in a mockery manner.
14. Coriolanus covers his face when in Antium such that his
long-term enemy Tullus Aufidius does not recognise him.
This creates
a. Situational Irony
b. Socratic Irony
c. Dramatic Irony
d. Verbal Irony
WOLE SOYINKA: A Dance of the Forests (15-18)
15. When A Dance of the Forests was first performed in 1960,
most critics detested it because
a. It celebrated Nigerian independence
b. It was an attack on Nigerian politics
c. It strengthened colonial Nigerian politics
d. The author is a Yoruba man.
16. Demoke kills Oremole by
a. Pulling him off the top of the tree
b. Pushing him off the top of the tree
c. Cutting the top of the tree
d. Carving the bottom of the tree.
17. Which of these characters in part one of the play can likely
be considered to be the physician in part two judging from
their behaviour?
a. Adenebi
b. Demoke
c. Obaneji
d. Rola
18. “It was smoking like perpetual volcano” This statement is
made by Adenebi in reference to a lorry called
a. God my saviour
b. The Chimney of Ereko
c. Incinerator
d. Ship
LORAINE HANSBERRY: A Raisin in the Sun (19-22)
19. One of the following members of the younger family
proves to be resilient, courageous and enduring.
a. Walter Lee
b. Beneatha
c. Mama

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