Advanced level 2024 Centre regional mock ICT 1

Advanced level 2024 Centre regional mock ICT 1

Advanced level 2024 Centre regional mock ICT 1

1. Which of the following is an example of a
computer crime?
a) Using social media
b) Writing a computer program
c) Unauthorized access to a computer system
d) Installing antivirus software
2. Which type of software is responsible for
controlling and managing hardware resources in
a computer system?
a) Application software
b) System software
c) Utility software
d) Middleware
3. What is the primary purpose of a Database
Management System (DBMS) in an information
a) Manage hardware components
b) Facilitate communication between users
c) Organize and retrieve data
d) Provide security features
4. Which type of information system is designed
to support the day-to-day operational activities of
an organization?
a) Decision Support System (DSS)
b) Executive Information System (EIS)
c) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
d) Management Information System (MIS)
5. What is identity theft in the context of
computer crime?
a) Stealing physical identification cards
b) Using someone else’s identity to commit fraud or
other crimes
c) Changing one’s online username
d) Hacking into government databases
6. What is the term for the process of converting
plaintext into unreadable gibberish to secure
information during transmission?
a) Authentication
b) Encryption
c) Decryption
d) Intrusion detection
7. What is the purpose of the Internet Protocol
(IP) in computer networking?
a) Ensuring reliable data transmission
b) Establishing secure connections
c) Assigning unique addresses to devices on a
d) Managing network hardware
8. What is the term for a unique address assigned
to a web page or resource on the Internet?
a) IP address
b) DNS address
c) URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
d) MAC address
9. What is the function of the BIOS (Basic
Input/Output System) in a computer system?
a) Renders graphics and images
b) Manages network protocols
c) Boots the operating system and provides lowlevel system control
d) Executes application software
10. What is the purpose of the CPU cache in a
computer system?
a) Stores frequently accessed data for faster
b) Manages network connections
c) Provides power to the CPU
d) Executes instructions
11. What does the term “bandwidth” refer to in
the context of data communication?
a) The width of a data cable
b) The speed of data transmission
c) The size of data files
d) The distance between devices
12. What is the purpose of the MAC address in
data communication?
a) Identifying devices on a network
b) Transmitting data between devices
c) Assigning IP addresses
d) Encrypting data transmissions
13. What is the defining characteristic of fifthgeneration computers?

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