Advanced level 2024 Littoral mock economics 1

Advanced level 2024 Littoral mock economics

Advanced level 2024 Littoral mock economics 1

A. producers benefit fmin ihc entire subsidy
II. consumers benefit a greater amount of SubsiUy
C. producers benefit a greater proportionof the Subsidy
I).consumersbene11ts the entire subsidy
A. An increase in inemne distribution
II. An nieieosc inthe stock of capital
C . Resource allocation
I).An inpopulation si/e
44 Which of the following groups have the first claim on the

L> A Iall in the profit level ohhc company.
39 Which of the following will lead to an increase in the value
of the multiplier.
A. An increase in government spendingongoods and
B. An increase in private investment.
C. A reduction inthe marginal propensity to consume.
1). A reduction in mammal propensity to impoit
P. Holders of non-votingordinary shares_
45Which of the following fiscal measures can encourage firms
to move to certain areas ofCameroon?
A. general ta* concession
H. higher income tax allowances
C. lower income tax allowances
I), regional lax concessions_
46.Goods X and V arc substitutes. What will he the effect on
the equilibrium price and quantity of good X of a decrease
in the supply of good V.
A. decrease in priceofX middecrease inquantity of
B. Increase in priceof X and increaseinquantity of X.
C. Increase inpriceof X anddecrease inquantity of
D. decrease in |iriccof X and increase inquantity of
47. 1he extra bonus received by the highest goal scorer iu a
football tournament Is referred In teonuinles as;
A. Quasi rent
41.In which of the following ways can a commercial bank add B. Monopoly rent
to (lie supply of money? C. rent of situation
A. By increasing its liquidity ratio D. Kent of .ihiliiy_
B. By keeping precious objects for customers 4S.The accelerator theor> of investment states that the level of
C. My tiiuking advances to customers. investment depends upon:
P. By responding to the (‘ bankscall for special deposit V. The rate of interest
42 Willi respect to the following table, which of the following H- C. ‘Il,c he ,cvcl si/e of ofchanges saving in national income
II. Dielevel income.
40.A three- sector closed economy has National Income or
13000Million, a marginal propensity to save of 0.2,
marginal propensity to tu\ of 0.5 nnd marginal propensity
to Import of 0.2. If the government wishes to achieve a full
employment level of national income at I5000M, by what
amount must she increase her expenditure
D. 900M
Unitsof resources
Country A Country It
Produce one phone 15 30
Produceone computer | 5 20
both goods
I).Country U has an absolute advantage inthe production of
C. Country A has a comparative advantage in the production
D. Country A has a comparative advantage in the production
of both goods
43. A production possibility boundary will shift to Hie right if
4′).’| he hank credit multiplier will lie increased by:
A. A reduction in the bank’s liquidity ratio
II. An increasein liquid assets
C. An increase mdie demand for loans
P. An mcicjsc incash deposited inthe bank._
50.Which of the following indicates a demand for the
Camcrwmlan ICFA’
A. Importsol goods andservices intoCameroon
II. Investment abroadby citizensof Cameroon
C. Short-term financial outllows from
I),dividends canted from investment abroad by

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