Advanced level 2024 Northwest regional mock ICT 2

Advanced level 2024 Northwest regional mock ICT 2

Advanced level 2024 Northwest regional mock ICT 2

3. (i) (a) What is Referential Integrity?
(b) Give two advantages of a Database program over a Spreadsheet program.
(c) Explain the term “redundancy’’ as used in database and describe how it can be handled in database dcsign.(2 marks)
(ii) Explain the following system terminologies.
(a) Parallel implementation
(b) Pilot implementation
(c) System Development Life Cycle
(d) State two models used in SDLC
(2 marks)
(2 marks)
(1 mark )
(1 mark )
(in) Cyberspace has become the most us«d space with ICT fools; as such the society is experiencing many crimes related to
cyberspace. Briefly describe the following cybercrimes.
(a) DoS
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
(3 marks)
(b) Cyber Terrorism
(c) Phishing
( IV) state one measure that can be used to combat each crime in (ii) above

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