Advanced level 2024 South regional mock ICT 1

Advanced level 2024 South regional mock ICT 1

Advanced level 2024 South regional mock ICT 1

The correct order of the stages of a system
development life cycle is;
[A] Analysis, Feasibility study,
implementation, Design
[B] Feasibility study, Analysis, Design,
[C] Analysis, Design, Feasibility study,
[D] Feasibility study, Analysis,
implementation, Design
2. The principle of the Data Protection Act
(1998) is;
[A] Data should be processed immediately
[B] Data should be valuable
[C] Data should not be stolen
[D] Data should be kept up to date
3. A program at the time of execution is
known as ______
[A] Thread
[B] Algorithm
[C] Instruction set
[D] Process
4. The following are possible health hazards of
prolonged use of computer system except
[A] Back to neck pains
[B] Eye strain
[C] Tuberculosis
[D] Wrist pains
5. _______ is the protocol suite for the
6. The following are constraints of a project
[A] Scope
[B] Resources
[C] Team
[D] Budget
7. The paradigm in which the programmer
designs programs by outlining steps to be
followed to solve problem is called:
[A] Top-down programming
[B] Declarative programming
[C] Procedural programming
[D] Objected-oriented programming
8. An algorithm that compares two adjacent
items and then swaps them, is
[A] Insertion sort
[B] Selection sort
[C] Merge sort
[D] Bubble sort
9. In project management, the amount of time
a task can be delayed without delaying the
project is called:
[A] Lead time
[B] Critical time
[C] Lag time
[D] Slack time
10. The file format JPEG stands for:
[A] Joint Picture Experts Group
[B] Joint Pictures Experts Graphics
[C] Joint Photographic Experts Group
[D] Joint Photographic Experts Graphics
11. The correct spreadsheet formula for the
average of two cells A1 and A2 where A1 is
possibly blank is:
[A] = (A1:A2)/2
[B] average(A1+A2)
[C] AVERAGE((A1+A2)/2)
[D] average(A1,A2)
12. An information system that does NOT
directly assist in the management of an
organization is:
[A] Management Information System
[B] Geographic Information System
[C] Health Information System
[D] Decision Support System


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