Advanced level 2024 South West mock chemistry 1
Advanced level 2024 South West mock chemistry 1
Question 1–36 (thirty six questions)
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete
statements In this section is followed by fonr suggested
answcrs.‘Sdcct the best answer In each ease.
D NOj‘andPtV–
8. An element has n relative atomic mass of 69–7
and gives two peaks in its moss spectrum. If
one of the peaks appears at a mass point of
68.9 with a relative abundance of 60%;what
will be the mass point of the other peak? .
A 71
B 70.23
C 69.3
D 70.9
1. The property of group (TV) elements which
decreases with increasing atomic number is:
A The inert–pair effect
B The stability of tbc +4 oxidation state
C Tfec oxidizing power of the dioxides
^ Jhc stability of the +2 oxidation slate
A group IV chloride which is insoluble in cold
water but soluble in hot water is:
A PbCl2
. B CCU •
C SiCi,
D GeClj
Which of the halogens win.’.1?
disproportionate In cold dilute alkali?
A Chlorine
B Bromine
C Iodine
D Fluorine
10.When butan–2–ol is heated with concentrated
supOniric at 170°C,the major product
obtained is but–2–cnc while the minor
product is but–1–enc.What principle is used
to determine the major product of this
A SaytzefFs(Zaitsev’s) rule
B Hoffmann degradation
C Mnrkovnikov’s(MarkofhlkofFs) rule
D Clemcnson’s rule •
11.What does the definition “It is the ordered
arrangement of particles ina crystal“,
A • Space lattice
B Crystal
C Crystal structure
D Unit ccIL
3. The empirical formula of a compound is CH.
If its molar mass is 78, what is its molecular
A C2H2
C CjlU
4. What do you understand by the term:
molccularitybfa reaction?
A It is the overall orderof a reaction.
B It is the total number of reactant molecules in a
C It is the total number of molecules involved in
the slowest step of the reaction.
•D It is the total number of gaseous molecules ina
12.A reddish brown precipitate is obtained when
a certain organic compound is passed
through ammoniaca] Coppcifl) chloride.
Theorganic compound formed is likely:
A But–1–ene
B But–I–ync
C Benzene
D But–2–yne
5. A
transition metal is defined as an element
A is found between groups II and ID of the
periodic table.
B has a variable oxidation stale.
C occurs in the d–bk>ck of the periodic table.
D forms an ion with a partially filled
13. Which pair below arc isotopes?
A 1 g of 2£Pb and 10g of “Pb
B 1g of|2a Pb and 1 g of 2JJPb7’
CD 11mol mol of of 22JJ?§Pb Pband and11 mol molof of^“Pb Pb2*
6. The definition
“It is the number of times the overage mass of one atom of
an element is heavier than one–twelfth the mass of one
atom | of carbon –12 isotope” refers to: A The mole |
B Relative atomic mass
C Relative molecular mass
D Avogadro constant
14. A drop of concentrated sulphuric acid on a
cube of sugar turns the portion block.This is
because the sulphuric acid is:
A A drying agent
B A strong acid
C A dehydrating agent
D An oxdising agent
7. Identify the pair below with the same shape.
A NHj and BHj
B SO41’ and CQ*2′‘
C POCIj and CH3CH3