Advanced level 2024 South West mock chemistry 2

Advanced level 2024 South West mock chemistry 2

Advanced level 2024 South West mock chemistry 2

e) Given the reaction; 2A(aq) + B(aq) ^ C(aq) > if 1.0 mol of A and 0.75 mol of B were placed in a 1
litre vessel and the
reaction was allowed to reach equilibrium at a given temperature. At equilibrium,
the amounts of A and B were found to be 0.70 mol and 0.60 mol respectively, calculate the equilibrium
constant, Kc, for the reaction at that temperature.
(2 marks)
f) (i) What is a buffer solution?
(ii) Calculate the pH of an acid buffer made from
a solution of 0.05 M ethanoic acid and 0.2 M
sodium ethanoate (Ka (CH
3COOH)2.0 x 105 moldm3)

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