Bismarckian diplomacy

Bismarckian diplomacy

Bismarckian diplomacy


The defeat of France in the Franco-Prussia war of (1870 – 71) ended up with two humiliation of France. France was humiliated in the following ways.

Firstly, France was defeated and forced to sign the harsh terms of the Frankfort (10th 1870) treaty that ended the war.

Secondly the king of France was captured and taken away by the Prussian as a prisoner of war

Thirdly France was forced to pay an indemnity to Prussia of 3000,000,000frs.

The greatest humiliation given to France that brought pain to all heart of France was the seizure of ALSACE and LORRAINE. The only 2 provinces of France with the greatest and richest of the country therefore France began preparing a war for revenge. When news of the war let to the preparation in France got to the Bismarck, he immediately set into motion two diplomacy the carried its name the Bismarckian Diplomacy. The policy lasted from 1870-1890.

Aims of the Bismarckian policy.

  • Bismarck wanted to isolate France and prevent her from revenging the Franco-Prussian war.
  • Bismarck wanted to embark on a new process of present European needs.
  • Bismarck wanted to join colonial race to acquire new sphere of influence for the German colonies
  • Bismarck wanted to make united Germany receive and respected by other European colonies.


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