cameroon gce A level 2022 business management 3
cameroon gce A level 2022 business management 3
I / .Oi Ctwr /. ; Joy Enterprise Limited * ( .-2:–
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Joy is the manager of Joy Enterprise Limited. The enterprise operates a travelling agency and a banana plantation
in Bulu–Buea. This organisation has a total of 100 employees with its headquarters in Sandpit–Buea. With
growing competition in these sectors, Joy as the owner has played a great role in noLonly motivating the
employees to be committed to their work and be loyal to the organisation but also in building a great team spirit
as each employee acts as the other’s keeper. However, Joy was thinking of going capital intensive as lots of
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•This brilliant leadership kept the organisation going in a very smooth mood. Two* years ago, the company
launched a new motivation programme where all the employees working with the traveling agency would be paid
according their output and employees who bring in new customers would earn bonuses irrespective of their
position in the company. In this light, customers bought traveling tickets using a unique secret code belonging to
the employee who brought them in. At the end of the month, these bonuses were calculated and added to the
employee’s pay.
In addition, the company introduced the Just–In–Time inventory management system in the Bulu plantation and
hired experts to design a new production policy for the enterprise.
Just when Joy Company Limited thought everything was going on well, letters of complaints from employees
started flooding her office about the discrimination of the bonus system and the too much pressure from the JustIn–Time system introduced in the plantation. A few days later, a team of employees who felt marginalized drafted
a letter to her announcing a strike action, if nothing was done to solve their problems. Immediately, Joy called up
a meeting with all the employees to discuss on the problems and take the final decisions to solve them.
(a) Explain four benefits that Joy Enterprise could enjoy as a result of using machines in production.
(b) Why do you think the Just–In–Time inventory management system was introduced in the
plantation? Advance any four (04) reasons. (c) Suggest problems that Joy Enterprise would encounter if workers went on strike. (d) From the case study, Joy called up all employees to deliberate with them before making final decisions to solve problems. Explain any four (04) demerits of group decision making (e) What do you understand by the term capital intensive as used in the case? |
(6mnrks) (6marks) |
(Smarks) (2marks) (Total 30niarks) |
1.1 . (Smarks)