cameroon gce A level 2022 business mathematics 3

cameroon gce A level 2022 business mathematics 3

cameroon gce A level 2022 business mathematics 3

a) State two characteristics of the Binomial distribution (2 Marks)
b) The rate of defectiveness of items from a production line is 2%. Five items are randomly selected
the production line. Find the probability that:
i) Exactly two items are defective
) At least two items are defective
iii) At most two items are defective
) Given that 100 items were randomly selected instead, use the Poison appropriation to the
Binomial distribution and
calculate the probability that;
i) three items are defective
ii) less than three items are defective
11 marks )
7 marks )
= 20 marks )
a.) A bag contains 5 white balls and 7 green balls. Two balls are drawn, one after the other and without
i ) Draw a tree diagram to represent the above information
) If the first ball drawn is white, Find the probability that the second ball is green.
iii) Find the probability that the two balls are of the same colour
b) X
is a discrete random variable with mean 6.0. Its distribution is given below

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