cameroon gce A level 2024 building construction applied mechanics 1
cameroon gce A level 2024 building construction applied mechanics 1
What is the corresponding y force component of
a tensile force, with magnitude of 40KN , incline
along the x axis at 30° within the first quadrant?
20KN 40KN 40KN
4m | 2m * « » |
30° >
A 20V2KN A lm
B 20V3KN
C 30V2KN
D 20KN
B 2m
C 3m
D 4m
5 . Calculate the resultant force for FI = F3= 40KN
inclined at 60° to the x axis and F2 = 60KN on the
x axis.
2. A metallic profile having a weight of 200kN is
hoisted by a crane. Knowing that the edges of
the profile are attached to 2cables undergoing
tension with magnitude of T 1 equal to T2.
Calculate the efforts in the cables.
y “ | FI = 40KN 60’02 |
F2 = 60KN
A 100KN
B 100.45KN
C 100V2KN
D 100V3KN
F3 = 40KN
A 80KN
B 220K.N
C 100KN
3. Resultant force is 6. Calculate the moment at the support A
A A force representing the sum of parallel
30KN/m 1 |
B | C |
B A force representing the sum of vector
C A force representing the algebraic sum of
D A force representing the sum of
concurrent forces
2m l m l m
* A
90 KNm
B 75KNm
C 65KNm
D 30KNm
7 . The shape of the bending moment diagram
indicates, where the
A Tensile and compressive zone are located
B Compressive zone are located
C Tensile zone are located
D Deflection zone are located