cameroon gce A level 2024 building construction drawing 1
cameroon gce A level 2024 building construction drawing 1
10. A roof which slopes in four directions, is called
A Shed roof
B Gable end roof
C Hipped roof
D Gambrel roof
2. The best pencil to use for object lines will be
A 2B
C 2H
D 4H
3. In drawing vertical lines we use : 11 how many slopes does a gambrel roof have
A A set square and a ruler
B A selsquare
C A ruler
D AT square and a setsquare
C 3
D 2
4. All hatches in drawing are done In
A Thick lines
B Faint lines
C Vertical lines
D Horizontal lines
12. The vertical members fixed between steps and
hand rail, are known
A ‘ Balusters
‘ B Strings
C Newel posts
D Soffits
5. Which type ofline is part of a dimension?
A Break lines
B Phantom lines
C Thin dash lines
D Extension lines
13. Given that the eastings of a topographic data
give a minimum value of 974.00m and a
maximum of 994.44m. what will be the overall
paper length if the scale used for the site plan is
A Lx=6.7cms
B Lx = 7.7cm
C Lx = 8.7cm
D Lx– 9.7cm
6. What is the minimum width of a corridor for
public buildings?
A 90cm
B 1m
C 1.2m
D 1.5m 14. The nominal thickness of an expansion joint in
building construction, is kept more than
A 5mm
7. A line that shows that a partially represented
object is continuing is called
A Break line
B Broken line
C Continuous line