cameroon gce A level June 2023 further geography 3

cameroon gce A level June 2023 further geography 3

cameroon gce A level June 2023 further geography 3

Study the topographic map extract of Ndop and Environs at 1:50,000 provided and answer the questions
that follow.
1 .
( i) Briefly contrast the relief and drainage characteristics east and west of Easting 56 of the map
(5 marks)
(ii) Using map evidence only, identify and explain the difficulties posed by the relief and drainage
characteristics in the development of road network in the map area.
(iii) Suggest two strategies that can be adopted to overcome the physical challenges of road network
development iin the map area.
Using map evidence only;
(i) Briefly describe the possibility of practicing irrigation farming and generating Hydro-electric
power in the Ndop area.
(ii) Suggest TWO physical problems faced by rice farmers in the area and TWO possible solutions.

(i) Calculate the sinuosity index of the river Noun located north of the map from 631440 to
(ii) State the significance of your result or answer.

Based on fieldwork you have carried out either in Physical or Human Geography, choose ONE of the
following topics:
(i) Vegetation characteristics;
(ii) Coastal processes;
(iii) Channel flow/ characteristics;
(iv) Functional segregation;
(v) Urban land use/ characteristics;
(vi) Rural land use/ characteristics.
a) Using a sketch map, locate the area of your fieldwork investigation.
b) State your objective and hypothesis that guided your investigation of the topic.
c) State the significance of the tools you used in the investigation.
d) Describe how your data was collected.
e) How was data analyzed and presented?
f) What were your findings in relation to the hypothesis and conclusion?
g) Of what importance was the fieldwork result to your community?

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