cameroon gce A level June 2023 geology 1

cameroon gce A level June 2023 geology 1

cameroon gce A level June 2023 geology 1

The earth’s galaxy is called ?
A Nebular
B Constellation
C Milky Way
D Supernova
0 ! I Tempenitwif
0 TO
T. Meteorites A Siderolites composed entirely of silica are called: depth (km^
B Aerolites
C Siderites
D Tektites
3. The layer of the earth with thickness of 35km is
known as :
A Lithosphere
B Core
C Crust
D Mantle
Figured above is the diagram of the geothermal gradient.
Study this graph and answer question 6.
6. At what depth can molten rock be obtained ?
A 35km
B 85km
C 19km
D 5km
Use the diagram below (figure 1) to answer
questions 4 and 5.
Study the drawing of the crystal model and use it for
questions 7, 8 and 9.
2 2 «• O
Figure 1
Which type of seismic wave is represented at
point Y ?
A Primary waves.
B Rayleigh Surface waves.
C Secondary waves.
D Love waves.
4. P .4«
Figure 3
Which of the axial angles below describes the
crystallographic axes of the model above ?
What is the time of arrival of seismic wave 7.
type X ?
A 2 minutes.
B 2.5 minutes.
C 3 minutes.
D 3.5 minutes.
A a = p = 5 = 90°
CDB aaa =±= 5pp =^=90 590±°°890 p=^°120 90°°
8. Identify the form labeled R.
A Prism
B Hemi-orthodome
C Basal pinacoid
D. Side pinacoid I
9. Suggest the Miller Index of face P.
A (1T0)
B (110)
C (101)
D (010)
23/0755/1 Go on to the next page3
10. The minerals quartz, tridymilc and cristobalite
are :
A Pseudomorphs of Si02
B Polymorphs of Si04
C Polymorphs of Si02
D Pseudomorphs of Si04
Using the cooling time of magma and the size of
crystals produced, identify the graph which
correctly shows the relative positions of the
igneous rocks: granite, rhyolite, and pumice ?
T3 *
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Granite, Vi > k Pumlco.
O& >f
o Rhyolite, o Rhyolite,
b .
co CO
1 1. The diagram below (figure 4) represents a simple
silicate structure. What is the Silicon: Oxygen
ratio represented by the structure?
Cooling Tlmo Cooling Tlmo
h A B is
3 A
I- Pumice, S</»’ Rhyolite, Granite, o Pumio H Rhyolite « Granh co co Cooling Time Cooling Time c D What is the name of the rock? A Granodiorite B Granite C Gabbro D Rhyolite 15 . Figure 4 A 2:7 B 1 :3 C 1:2 D 2:8 In which environment was the rock formed ? A Hypabyssal environment B Plutonic environment • C Volcanic environment D Hypabyssal and Plutonic environment 16. The characteristics of some specimens are presented below to help you answer question 12. Specimen M has a hardness of 6.0 – 6.5, cleaves in two directions at right angles and can be white in colour. Specimen N is transparent, flaky, with a hardness of 2 -3 and cleaves in one direction. Specimens M and N respectively are: A Quartz and Olivine B Orthoclase and Muscovite C Quartz and Biotite D Plagioclase and Muscovite Figure 6 below refers to two typical volcanic structures characterised by steep and gentle slopes. Use it to answer questions 17 and 18 . 12. 13. Study the cliff section (figure 5) below. Mail liinestirie. Sand &’tdvte Shale, Figure 6 E>a-*alt X and Y are respectively referred to as:
A Shield volcano and composite volcano
B Composite volcano and cinder cone
C Shield volcano and dome volcano
D Cinder cone volcano and shield volcano
Figure 5
What is the structure labeled X ?
A Phaccollith
B Lopolith
C Dyke
D Sill
The composition of the materials that built up the
type of structure in Y is :
A Basaltic
B Doleritic
C Andesitic
D Rhyolitic

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