cameroon gce A level June 2023 philosophy 2
cameroon gce A level June 2023 philosophy 2
1. Assess Anaximander’s cosmogony.
(25 marks)
2. To what extent is Cartesian epistemology a rigorous effort in the attainment of certitude? (25 marks)
3. Is ethno-philosophy philosophical? (25 marks)
4. The notion of “force-being” is central in African metaphysics. Justify this claim. (25 marks)
5. Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
But, which is worse, this argument of universal consent, which is made use of to prove innate principles, seems to
me a demonstration that there are none such ; because there are none to which all mankind give an universal
assent. I shall begin with the speculative, and instance in those magnified principles of demonstration.
‘Whatsoever is, is’ and ‘It is impossible for the same thing to be and not be’; which of all others, I think have the
most allowed title to innate. For, first, it is evident, that all children and idiots have not the least apprehension of
them or thought of them. And the want of that is enough to destroy that universal assent which must needs be
necessary concomitant of all innate truth: it seeming to me to me near a contradiction to say, that there are truths
imprinted, if it signify anything, being nothing else but the making certain truths to be perceived. For to imprint
anything on the mind without the mind’s perceiving it, seems to me hardly intelligible.
John Locke, An Essay concerning Human Understanding
a) State the main theme and articulations of the text above.
State the author’s problem and solution provided in the passage above.
b) Explain the following:
Universal assent
Truths imprinted
c) Briefly explain any two arguments against innate ideas by John Locke
d) State and briefly explain Locke’s three degrees of knowledge
e) To what extent is Rationalism a solution to the Empiricists’ worry?
(2, 3 marks)
February 22, 2024
Good exam questions