cameroon gce A level June 2024 biology 2
cameroon gce A level June 2024 biology 2
1. (a) What do you understand,by:
1 :; (i) Activation energy. * ‘J
(ii) Enzyme active site.
(iii) Enzyme specificity.
(b) Describe the different mechanisms that explain enzyme action.
(c) Discuss the three factors affect that affect the rate of enzyme action.
* .
(5, 5, 10 marks)
. (Total = 20 marks)
What is photoautotrophic nutrition?
Describe the events of the light independent reactions that occur in a monocot such as the sugar cane
What are the advantages of these events in monocots over dicot plants?
2. (a)
(5, 10, 5 marks)
>(Total— 20 marks)
(a) Define the following terms:
(i) Filter feeding. : i.
(ii) Fluid feeding.
(iii) Detrital feeding.
(b) Outline the role of the following cells in digestion:
(i) Parietal cells.
(ii) Chief cells. ..
(iii) Paneth cells.
(iv) Goblet cells.
(8, 12 marks) .
(Total = 20 marks)
(a) What is fermentation?
(b) Why would a biotechnologist prefer the “Fed-Batch” process in fermentation?
With the aid of diagrams explain how genetic engineering is applied in the production of growth
hormone (somatotrophin).
(3, 5, 12 marks)
(Total= 20 marks)
Define biological conservation.
Why is the conservation of biodiversity necessary?
Describe the measures that can be used to efficiently conserve forests in Cameroon.
How may deforestation affect the environment?
5. (a)
(d) (2, 4, 6, 8 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
Define the following terms as used in genetics:
(i) Lethal gene.
(ii) Codominance.
(iii) Incomplete dominance.
The nature of the feather in birds is either normal or frizzled. Birds with homozygous dominant frizzled
feathers die because of their inability to maintain their body temperature. Using genetic symbols and
diagrams, show what will be the outcomes between two frizzled feathered birds.
Why do the above results deviate from the normal Mendelian ratio?
6. (a)
(c) (9, 9, 2 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
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